January 28, 2011

Global Blamer Kaffeeklatsch


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via I Blame The Patriarchy by Jill on 1/27/11

Phil, my secretary, is against Facebook. I admit I have my reservations, too. It is difficult to regard such a wholesale privacy massacre without suspicion. For example, I just heard on the Marketplace Tech Report that they have just started this dealio where if you mention a brand name in your status update, Facebook can sell your remark to the brand owner, whereupon your remark, along with your picture and name, will appear in an ad for the branded thing on your page and your friends' pages, too! Congratulations, you are now an unpaid spokesasshole. And you can't opt out. As the Tech Report dude said, don't make the mistake of thinking you're Facebook's customer. You are, in fact, Facebook's product. The customer is the advertiser.


Even so, I Blame the Patriarchy is going for a test run over there. I know I have already announced this, but I thought some of you might like to know that there is a tab on the IBTP Facebook page called "Discussions," and there you will find blamers looking to meet up with other blamers in a sort of regional way. It is an awkward and ungainly system, but it might help to scratch the itch, oft expressed by lone blamers eking out their subsistence blames in ideological isolation, to meet actual live radical feminists at the local coffee shop. So far there's only one blamer in Islamabad. C'mon, Pakistan! Get with the program! But mention Burger King at your peril!

Also, here is a picture of my horse. Getting dentistry.

Modern equine dentistry

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  1. A pity there isn't an antisocial network
  2. Spinster auntism lives
  3. &!(#@!!, or, the Update Announcement


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